
Wholeheartedness Wholeheartedness is a precious gift, but no one can actually give it to you. You have to find the path that has heart and then walk it impeccably. In doing that, you again and again encounter your own uptightness, your own headaches, your own falling flat on your face. But in wholeheartedly practicing and wholeheartedly following that path, this[…]

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Constant Companion

Whatever our external circumstances, in the end happiness or unhappiness depends on the mind. Consider that the one companion whom we stay with, continually, day and night, is our mind. Would you really want to travel with someone who endlessly complains and tells you how useless you are, how hopeless you are; someone who reminds you of all the awful[…]

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Clean Up!

Every part of our personality that we do not love will become hostile to us Robert Bly “Cleaning up” helps liberate our choices from our own hidden biases, allergies, addictions, and other behavioural patterns.

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